TFP is a Trade for Print shoot: A photographer and a model exchange their skills and time to create photos for their respective portfolios. It's a collaboration where both parties benefit by gaining new images for their work with no monetary transaction.


These are things that are important to me personally to work with you.

Step 1: Practice

If you are new to modeling, you’ll need to practice posing your face and your body. Find what looks good for you! Please do not let any part of your looks be a barrier. If you think there is any part of you that is not conventionally “what models look like” I want you to accept it, find how it make you more unique, use it! I’m always looking for unique/plus size/unconventional as well as conventional. I love it all. I am ONLY looking for TALENT.

Step 2: Take your photos!

Take photos!! Even if it’s just using your phone, and remember to have various looks, poses, angles, creativity. Show me your talent. Posing is a talent. People may think it’s easy if you’re “conventionally pretty” but it’s a talent just like everything else. I need to see variety in your poses, I need to see that while you may be doing a crazy pose, your face shows comfort in what your doing. Posing is like acting, or dancing, you need to feel the feeling you are trying to depict.


Step 3: Get flexible!

Get flexible!! I am always so hyped to find out that someone I am shooting is flexible. The amount of poses that can be added to your repertoire is unending. Back flexibility, leg flexibility, shoulder flexibility, arm flexibility, etc!

Step 4: Know your lenses

This is asking a lot, but it adds to your profession-ability like nothing else. If a model were to ask which lens I am using and pose accordingly, I would hire them always and forever!! This is TFP but I do find myself hiring talented people when I do need a model for product shoots!


Step 5: Be a good communicator

This is something that is just extremely important to me when working with anyone, communication is key to have clear expectations! I respect my models so if something is not okay, I need to know!! Don’t ever let Tyra’s stupid show convince you that you have to do anything you don’t want to. Body autonomy is extremely important. If you’re uncomfortable, don’t do it.

Step 6: Send me your portfolio!!

Send me your portfolio and your measurements! I really only do TFP when I am also making the outfit for it, so I will need your measurements. I love working with talented models! Let us make magic you talented human.